If you receive our monthly prompt newsletter, you may have noticed the picture of gears that featured at the bottom of the email for the past few months. Well, the gears are finally turning!
Palm-Sized Press will be accepting submissions from 1 March – 19 May for our first magazine!
Those of you who have been with us since the end of 2017 know that we put together a small zine of flash fiction and art. This new magazine will also incorporate articles on writing and craft, and we’ll be looking into opportunities to include submissions and events listings, interviews, and more.
We are so excited to launch our new bi-annual magazine! Issues will be available in print and digital forms. With this new venture, we will also be re-releasing the Retrospective zine – so keep an eye on our website and social media for updates.
Contributors who have work chosen for the issue will receive a small payment. In order to make this possible, there will be a small submission fee of $2+, but with it you can submit as many pieces as you’d like for the summer issue. Submission fees will be processed through our new Patreon page.
We’ll be accepting:
- Flash fiction, up to 500 words
- Articles on writing and craft
- Art
Deadline: 19 May
To submit your work, use the forms located on the Submissions page.