Write about a normal day in the life of someone who experiences time differently. Do the hours move more quickly? Do days sometimes repeat? Or do they just have more of it to spare?
How does one simple difference of perception drastically change (or not) how someone moves through everyday life?
The Horologist’s Daughter by Chloe Timms
Lisa Lost a Second There by Yael van der Wouden
Dinner Time by Jim Harrington
Caller in the Darkness by Syd Peck
Tick-tock Pill Pop by Ruth Elwood
The Pacemaker by Andrew Kirby
Lemon Drops by Sue Johnson
A Path by Stephanie Harbulak
Paradox by Beth Mangalino
Electric Hubris by Bill Cox
Circles by Steph Boulton
Did you receive my submission for the zine? I don’t think I got an acknowledge email? Can send again, let me know …
Hi Andy!
Apologies for the delay — we do have your submission! I’ve just sent a confirmation email to everyone who submitted as of yesterday evening.